To be the leading anti-body odor company in the world by building a brand that completely reimagines the deodorant experience. We did this by reframing what deodorant can be, how we use it and how it enhances our lives—unlocking people’s confidence, individual expression & the emotional power of scent. The products that dominate the market today are unhealthy, uninspiring, and bad for the environment. Pit Liquor is a natural spray deodorant powered by vodka & whiskey and scented with invigorating essential oil blends. It doesn’t use the toxic chemicals of most competitors and it’s more efficacious, easier to use, and better smelling than any natural deodorants—proving there’s a smarter, healthier way to deal with body odor. We’re programmed from a young age that deodorant is something we all wear to “not smell bad as a society,” a collective take-one-for-the-team. For almost a century, we’ve been smearing toxic, goopy, sludge under our armpits or spraying them with toxic chemicals, never stopping to ask “Do I actually enjoy doing this?” and “What is this doing to my body?” We are turning the idea of deodorant on its head with a truly natural hybrid solution. Imagine your favorite cologne or perfume had a Love child with your deodorant. That’s us!